MIL-DTL-50714C (OS)
3.7.1 Ballistics. Initiators loaded with accepted pyrotechnic components (II-A pellets, PVU-1/A Ignition
Device, and delay element) and temperature conditioned shall produce values specified in table I. Pressure
values shall be recorded in a 6.5-in3 closed bomb, Drawing 838AS163.
TABLE I. Ballistic values.
Ignition delay, sec (max)
Pressure, psi (min)
(see 6.3)
-65 to -70°F
0.300 ± 0.150
65 to 75°°F
0.300 ± 0.050
0.300 ± 0.150
200 to 205? F
300 Initiation. The initiator shall be fired by a source delivering an output energy equal to that of an
M3A2 Initiator at the end of 15 feet of aircraft hose, size no. 4 in accordance with MS28741 at 70 ± 5°F.
3.7.2 No-fire. The initiator shall not fail to fire.
3.7.3 Mechanical failure. The initiator shall function without mechanical failure (see 6.2).
3.8 Leak rate. The assembled initiator, less the firing mechanism assembly (part no. 11731492) and the
mounting bracket (part no. 11731624), shall withstand a 14 psi internal-external pressure differential with a
maximum permissible leak rate of 1 x 105 cubic centimeters per second.
3.9 Workmanship. Workmanship shall be as specified on the applicable drawings, referenced specifications,
and the following:
3.9.1 Metal defects. All components shall be free from cracks, splits, cold shuts, inclusions, porosity, or any
other metal defect.
3.9.2 Burr. No part shall have a burr which might interfere with the assembly or function of the item or
which might be injurious to personnel handling the item.
3.9.3 Foreign matter. No part or assembly shall contain chips, dirt, grease, oil, rust, corrosion, or other
foreign matter.
3.10 Mechanical properties. Mechanical properties required by the drawing shall be uniform throughout the
part within specified tolerances.
3.11 Shear pin strength. The shear pin, after application of protective finish, shall shear when a load of 41 ±
5 pounds is applied at the steady rate of 0.125 inch per minute.
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