3.8.1 Ballistics. Initiators loaded with accepted pyrotechnic components (II-A pellets and PVU-
1/A ignition device) and temperature conditioned shall produce pressure values specified in table I.
Pressure values shall be recorded in a 6.5 cubic inch closed bomb, Drawing 838AS163. Initiation. The initiator shall be fired by a source delivering an output pressure of 700 +25, -
0 pounds per square inch gage (psig) at 70 ± 5°F.
3.8.2 Misfires. There shall be no misfires.
3.8.3 Mechanical failures. The initiator shall function without mechanical failure (see 6.5.2).
TABLE I. Pressure values.
Pressure (psig)
Ignition delay (see 6.5.1)
Temperature (°F)
milliseconds, max
-60 to -70
65 to 75
195 to 205
3.9 Shear pin strength. The shear pin, after application of protective finish, shall have a single
shear when a load of 41 ± 5 pounds is applied at the steady rate of 0.125 inch per minute (see
3.10 Protective finish. Protective finish shall be in accordance with the applicable specifications
and drawings and shall apply to all surfaces of the component regardless of configuration (see
3.11 Workmanship. Initiators shall be free of cracks, splits, or other defects which might prevent
proper mating with connecting parts or proper functioning of the device.
3.11.1 Metal defects. All components shall be free from cracks, splits, cold shuts, inclusions,
porosity, or any similar defect.
3.11.2 Burr. No part shall have a burr which might interfere with the assembly or function of the
item or which might be injurious to personnel handling the item.
3.11.3 Foreign matter. No part or assembly shall contain chips, dirt, grease, rust, corrosion, or
other foreign matter.
4.1 Classification of inspections. The inspection requirements specified herein are classified as
a. First article inspection (see 4.4).
b. Conformance inspection (see 4.5).
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