TABLE IV. Temperature conditioning for quality conformance sample.
Temperature (°F)
Sample Size
-60 to -70
65 to 75
195 to 205
7 Retest. There shall be no retests. Test failure. If a test failure is attributable to an assignable cause, excluding the test
initiator, the original test results shall be discarded and that test reconducted.
4.6 Test methods and procedures.
4.6.1 Shear pin strength. After applic ation of protective finish, the pin shall be subjected to the
single shear strength test to determine compliance with 3.9. The test shall be performed in the fixture in
conjunction with a tensile testing machine.
4.6.2 Protective finish. Test procedures for protective finish shall be in accordance with the
specification referenced on the component drawing.
4.6.3 Breakaway torque. A torque wrench, set at the torque requirement specified in 3.5, shall be
used in conjunction with the fixture to determine the adequacy of the joint. Torques shall be applied in
three places: (1) between the female body and male body; (2) between the male or female body and the
firing mechanism assembly; and (3) between the mounting bracket and the firing mechanism assembly.
4.6.4 Residual magnetism. The assembly shall be tested for excessive residual magnetism using
an approved compass in an area free of local magnetic effects by placing the assembly 5 inches from the
end at the same height as the compass, in the north-south horizontal position (cap end at south) with the
compass set in an east-west heading. The assembly shall be moved at a speed no greater than 10 feet per
minute past the compass for its entire length, rotated 90 degrees in the horizontal position about its
longitudinal axis, and moved slowly back past the compass. This procedure shall be repeated for each 90
degree rotation of the assembly for four full passes.
4.6.5 Leak test. The method and procedure for performing the leak test shall be as approved by
the Government.
4.6.6 Radiographic examination. All ignition device assemblies, retainer and ignition device
assemblies, and initiator assemblies shall be radiographically examined for defects. Ignition device assembly, Drawing 851AS110. Prior to assembly into the cartridge, the
ignition device shall be radiographically examined in accordance with ASTM E1742. Each ignition device
shall be X-rayed on boards or trays with the cup side perpendicular to the rays. The X-ray negatives shall
be identified by item nomenclature and lot number. Ignition devices are to be left mounted to the boards or
trays until after the X-rays have been reviewed and defects identified to facilitate removal of defective
units. After screening, the X-rays with defectives identified shall be forwarded to the engineering agency
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