(Application for copies of ASTMs should be sent to the American Society for Testing and Materials, 100
Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959)
2.4 Order of precedence. In the event of a conflict between the text of this document and the
references cited herein (except for related associated specifications or specification sheets), the text of
this document takes precedence. Nothing in this document, however, supersedes applicable laws and
regulations unless a specific exemption has been obtained.
3.1 First article. When specified (see 6.2), a sample shall be subjected to first article inspection in
accordance with 4.3.
3.2 Conformance to documents. The Mark 107 Mod 1 impulse cartridge covered by this specification
shall be manufactured in accordance with DL745AS100 and all documents listed thereon.
3.3 Materials. All materials used in the manufacture of the cartridges shall conform strictly to the
specifications referred to on the respective drawings. When alternate materials or methods of
manufacture are specified on the drawings, the bidder's selections shall be clearly stated in the proposal.
3.4 Primary components. For the purposes of this specification the Mark 17 Mod 0 electric ignition
element and the cartridge propellant charge are considered primary components.
3.5 Ignition element. The ignition elements shall be furnished from lots which were manufactured
within the past12 months. The ignition elements shall be manufactured in accordance with the drawings
listed on DL613468, and shall be from lots which were accepted in accordance with the requirements of
MIL-I-81577 (see 4.5.1). When the same contractor manufactures the Mark 17 Mod 0 Ignition Element
and the Mark 107 Mod 1 Impulse Cartridge and assembles the ignition element in the cartridge, the first
article and production test requirements of MIL-I-81577 for the ignition element shall be waived.
3.6 Propellant charge.
3.6.1 Quantity. All propellant charges shall be as specified on drawing 745AS100. Charges shall be
determined by weight rather than by volume measurement.
3.6.2 Smokeless powder, handling and loading. The smokeless powder shall be subjected to no
unnecessary handling or exposure to the atmosphere. The handling and loading of smokeless powder
exposed to the atmosphere shall be performed under conditions that do not permit the relative humidity
to exceed 75 percent.
3.6.3 Smokeless powder, condition. The smokeless powder used shall exhibit no evidence of
decomposition (see 4.5.2).
3.7 Cartridge inspections.
3.7.1 Bridge circuit resistance. The resistance of the bridge circuit in each completely assembled
cartridge, when measured electrically (see 4.5.4) shall be not less than 1.0 ohm nor greater than 1.2 ohms.
3.7.2 Leakage. Cartridge leakage rate shall be not greater than 10 5 cubic centimeters of air per second
(see 4.5.5).
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