MIL-DTL-46992E (OS) Test failure. The cutter shall be classified as defective if it releases the firing pin under
minimum force, fails to fire under maximum force, fails to meet specified time requirement, or fails to
completely sever both reefing lines. Failure of any unit to comply with requirements of 3.14 shall be
cause for lot rejection. Retest. There shall be no retests of a failed lot unless directed by the contracting activity. The
retest shall be done under direction of the responsible Government engineering activity.
4.4 Tests and examinations.
4.4.1 Visual and dimensional examinations. Visual examination shall be made for such defects as
defective metal, burr, sharp corners, foreign matter, defective protective finish, marking missing,
incorrect, or illegible, thread damaged or not full, holes, slots, radii or chamfer missing. Four power (4X)
magnification may be used in performing visual examination for such defects. An appropriate gage or
measuring device shall be used to check all other characteristics shown on the drawing.
4.4.2 Hardness. Prior to application of protective finish, a hardness tester shall be used to determine the
hardness values specified on the applicable drawing.
4.4.3 Protective finish. The procedures for protective finish shall be in accordance with the component
4.4.4 Primer x-ray. Prior to assembly into the primer retainer, the primer shall be x-rayed with the side
of cup perpendicular to the rays. The x-ray negative shall be identified by item nomenclature and lot
number. All the primer components shall be present. No foreign material is allowed. The primer cup and
anvil shall be free of cracks, damage, or distortion. The anvil shall not be cocked, inverted, or damaged.
The anvil and primer charge shall be consistent from primer to primer. No cracks or voids in the primer
charge are allowed. Defective primers found during x-ray review are to be marked on the x-ray and shall
be removed from the lot. After screening and indicating defective primers, the x-ray photographs shall be
forwarded to the responsible Government engineering activity (see 6.3).
4.4.5 Primer sensitivity. Tests shall be made on primers assembled into primer retainers. The primer
shall be crimped and sealed in the retainer in accordance with the assembly drawing. Drop test at 13
inches (adjusted) using a stainless steel ball weighing 1.94 ± 0.2 ounces in a primer sensitivity tester with
a primer retainer holder approved by the contracting activity. The drop height of 13 inches shall be
adjusted taking into consideration the actual weight of the ball so that an energy level of 26 inch ounces
shall be achieved. All height measurements shall be made between the head of the firing pin and the
bottom of the steel ball. The primer sensitivity test equipment shall be checked to ensure a center impact
of the steel ball on the head of the firing pin. The sample for primer sensitivity shall be in accordance with
Table VI, unless otherwise specified in the contract.
TABLE VI. Primer sensitivity sample.
Lot size
Primer sensitivity
sample size
3 to 40
41 to 110
111 to 800
over 800
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