Assembly Mk 113 Mods shall conform to DL673AS200 and the Mk 113 Wind Oriented Rocket
Deployment (WORD) Motor Assembly shall conform to DL673AS205. The Mk 113 Mod 0 shall
contain NOSIH-BC-11 propellant. The Mk 113 Mod 1 shall contain NSWC/IH-EC-8 propellant. If there
is a direct conflict with the basic specification, this document shall take precedence.
3.2 Item description. The Rocket Motor Assembly Mk 113 Mods specified herein is comprised of a
WORD rocket motor mated to a drogue release mechanism.
3.3 Propellant. The propellant shall conform to 511-174TD-004 or 510-174TD-004. The contractor
shall submit all test results in accordance with 511-174TD-004 or 510-174TD-004 and
3.4 Propellant aging. When tested in accordance with MIL-DTL-85097, propellant shall meet the
aging requirements specified in 511-174TD-004 for the Mk 113 Mod 1 or 510-174TD-004 for the Mk
113 Mod 0. Testing shall conform to paragraph 4.4.
3.5 WORD motor ballistic performance. The ballistic performance shall conform to Table I.
TABLE I. Ballistic performance requirements.
Temperature (± 5EF)
Impulse over 390 ms (lb-s) (see 6.2.1)
-40, 160
Ignition delay (ms)
-40, 160
Actuation force (lb)
-40, 160
Rise time (ms) (see 6.2.2)
-40, 160
Thrust (lb)
-40, 160
3.6 Rocket motor assembly test/Drogue release mechanism test. Ten drogue release mechanisms
shall be assembled onto an explosives vacated WORD rocket motor in order to test: (1) the WORD
rocket motor assembly, (2) the drogue release mechanism. The government shall provide such motors.
Performance shall be in accordance with paragraph 3.7. Testing shall be in accordance with paragraph
4.5. See test definitions in sections 6.4 and 6.5.
3.7 Drogue release mechanism performance . The drogue release test configuration shown in Figure
1 shall be employed. The drogue release mechanism shall actuate within 400 to 1,000 psig and shall in
no way hinder deployment of the WORD rocket motor in any configuration/load arrangement.
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