A.4.3. Radiographic Examination. Each initiator shall be subjected to radiographic
examination such as X-ray, neutron bombardment, gamma rays, etc., and meet the
manufacturer's radiographic examination criteria. Radiographic plates shall be identified by
date, initiator part number, lot number, date of manufacture, and manufacturer's identification.
A.4.4. Bridge Circuit Resistance. Each initiator shall be subjected to a bridge circuit
resistance test. The resistance measured shall be within manufacturer's acceptance criteria.
During the course of the certification testing, if the absolute value of the difference between the
initial and resulting bridge circuit resistance is greater than 10 percent, then an evaluation to
determine the cause shall be performed and provided to the appropriate safety authority.
A.4.5. Firing Properties. The firing properties shall be determined by statistical tests for a
sample of no fewer than 30 ILI each at hot, cold and ambient temperatures. The test procedures
and the associated statistical analysis methods used shall be in accordance with those found in
MIL-STD-331. The appropriate safety authority shall approve the test procedures and the
associated statistical analysis methods used. Firing circuitry shall be in accordance with
paragraph A.5.1. In addition to reporting the reliability levels, all raw data recorded for the
sensitivity tests that comprise the firing properties test shall be reported along with the mean
firing voltage and the associated standard deviation.
A.4.5.1. Minimum All-Fire Voltage, (MAFV). Statistical analysis of the firing properties
data shall be used to predict a minimum all-fire voltage at each temperature. MAFV is defined
as the projected voltage at which the initiator has at least a 0.999 probability to fire with 95
percent single sided upper confidence level.
A.4.5.2. Maximum No-Fire Voltage, (MNFV). Statistical analysis of the firing properties
data shall be used to predict a maximum no-fire voltage at all temperatures. MNFV is defined as
the projected voltage at which the initiator has at most a 0.001 probability to fire with 95 percent
single sided lower confidence level. The ILI MNFV shall be greater than 500 Volts at all
temperatures tested.
A.4.5.3. Maximum Allowable Safe Stimulus, (MASS). Statistical analysis of the firing
properties data shall be used to predict MASS at all temperatures. MASS is defined as the
projected voltage at which the initiator has at most a 1 X 10-6 (one in one million) probability to
fire with ideal confidence (often called the point estimate). The ILI MASS shall be greater than
500 Volts at all temperatures tested.
A.4.5.4. Fuze Arming Voltage (FAV). Statistical analysis of the firing properties data shall
be used to predict a voltage normally assessed as the fuze arming point at all temperatures. FAV
is defined as the estimated voltage at which the initiator has a 0.005 probability to fire at 95
percent single sided lower confidence level.
A.4.6. Maximum No-Damage Current, (MNDC). A statistical test series at ambient
temperature shall be conducted to determine the mean and standard deviation DC current level
required to damage the ILI in one minute. The 0.001 probability to damage at 95 percent single
sided lower confidence DC current level shall be greater than 1 ampere.
A.4.7. Thermal Cook-Off. The reaction of the ILI when subjected to a thermal cook-off
environment will be determined.
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