15 First article tests. First article sample acceptance shall consist of the following tests, which,
except as otherwise specified herein, shall be conducted in accordance with MIL-I-23659:
a. 40-foot drop (6) (nonfiring test); temperature and humidity cycling (THC) (36); vibration (12);
high temperature (12); low temperature (12); untreated (12). The numbers in parentheses denote the,
allocation of ignition elements for the tests.
b. After exposure to the specified environmental treatment, the units from THC and the vibration
tests, together with the 12 untreated units, shall be conditioned for a minimum of 6 hours at 70° ±5°F and
fired in the test set as specified in All of these units shall fire and produce results within the
limits set forth in and
c. The units allocated for the high temperature and low temperature tests shall be conditioned at
225° ±5°F and !80° ±5°F, respectively, for not less than 6 nor more than 24 hours and fired in the test
set as specified in All of these, units shall fire and produce results within the limits set forth in and except that the upper and lower limits of maximum pressure for these units shall be
1900 psi and 1000 psi, respectively.
d. In addition, 25 ignition elements shall be subjected to the no-fire and all-fire tests. None of these
25 units shall fire, when temperature conditioned and tested in accordance with, and all of
these same 25 units shall fire within 0.025 second when temperature conditioned and tested in
accordance with
e. Additionally, 12 ignition elements shall be subjected to an electrostatic sensitivity test. Each of
these 12 units shall withstand the stimulus from an electrically charged capacitor without firing when
tested as specified in the applicable paragraph under the electrical tests of MIL-I-23659.
All of the specified firings and tests shall be, conducted within 3 minutes after removal of the units from
the specified temperature conditioning. The failure of any ignition element to meet the requirements as
stated above shall cause rejection of the first article sample.
4.3.3 Production lot. The suggested ignition element production lot size is 1301 minimum and 3200
maximum. Only primary components from a single lot or batch shall be used in a production lot of
ignition elements; however, one primary component production lot may be used in more than one
ignition element production lot.
4.4 Gages. The contractor shall provide gages as necessary to insure that the material to which this
specification applies will meet the dimensional requirements shown on the applicable drawings.
4.5 Classification of characteristics. The characteristics verified by the tests and examinations herein
are classified as critical, major or minor in accordance with DOD-STD-2101. Tests and examinations
that verify critical characteristics are identified by the symbol (C) and major characteristics by the
symbol (M). The number following the classification symbol indicates the serial number of test or
examination. Tests and examinations which are not annotated with a classification code are classified
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