a. Temperature: Room ambient 20 to 25 °C (68 to 77 °F)
b. Altitude: Sea level
c. Humidity: 50 percent relative, maximum
d. Atmospheric: 14.7 psia
4.4 First article inspection. At the beginning of regular production, the supplier shall submit a first
article sample to a Government approved facility for evaluation. The sample shall consist of 21 assembled
cartridges for ballistics testing including 12 for vibration tests, 10 sets of unassembled components for
dimensional and visual examination, and a quantity in accordance with 4.4.2, i.e., cartridges assembled
without the igniter and propellant charge for ignition device sensitivity test. The first article sample shall
be manufactured using the same materials, equipment, processes, and procedures as used in regular
production. All parts and materials, including packaging and packing, shall be the same as used for
regular production and shall be obtained from the same source of supply. When it becomes necessary to
make a change in either the ignition device, propellant, or igniter lot after initial production, 12 assembled
cartridges from the first production lot thereafter shall be tested in accordance with 4.7.6. The
Government reserves the right to require new first article samples until such time as an acceptable
sample is submitted (see 6.3).
4.4.1 Examination, tests, and facility. After provisional acceptance at source, the sample shall be
inspected for all requirements of the drawings and specifications at a Government laboratory or other
such facility specified in the contract (see 6.2).
4.4.2 Sample size for ignition device sensitivity. The number of cartridges assembled without igniter or
propellant to be submitted for ignition device sensitivity tests shall be in accordance with table II.
TABLE II. Ignition device sensitivity.
Lot Size
Sample Size
3 to 15
16 to 25
26 to 40
41 to 65
66 to 110
111 to 180
181 to 300
301 to 500
501 to 800
801 to 1300
Over 1300
4.4.3 Temperature conditioning for ballistic test. The sample shall be temperature conditioned and
tested to determine compliance with The sample for firing shall be conditioned to table III.
TABLE III. Temperature conditioning.
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